Lincoln Aviator: Seatbelts / Seatbelt Warning Lamp and Indicator Chime
This lamp illuminates and an
indicator chime will sound if the
driver seatbelt has not been
fastened when the vehicle's ignition is turned
Conditions of operation
WARNING: Position the seatbelt
height adjuster so that the seatbelt rests
across the middle of your shoulder. Failure
to adjust the seatbelt correctly could
reduce its effectiveness and increase the
risk of injury in a crash...
WARNING: The system will only
provide protection when you use the
seatbelt correctly.
This system monitors all seating positions
and provides audio and graphic feedback...
Other information:
Special Tool(s) /
General Equipment
Flexible Foam Repair3M™ 08463, LORD Fusor® 121
Removal steps in this procedure may contain installation details.
RH shown, LH similar...
WARNING: You must remain in your
vehicle when the system turns on. At all
times, you are responsible for controlling
your vehicle, supervising the system and
intervening, if required. Failure to take care
may result in the loss of control of your
vehicle, serious personal injury or death...