If you operate your vehicle primarily in any of the following conditions, you need to perform extra maintenance as indicated. If you operate your vehicle occasionally under any of these conditions, it is not necessary to perform the extra maintenance. For specific recommendations, see your dealership service advisor or technician.
Perform the services shown in the following tables when specified or within 3,000 mi (4,800 km) of the message appearing in the information display prompting you to change your oil.
1 Reset your Intelligent Oil-Life Monitor after engine oil and filter changes.
There are several exceptions to the Normal Schedule:
Axle and PTU maintenance: The Power Transfer Unit (PTU) and rear axle (four wheel drive only) in your vehicle does not require any normal scheduled maintenance. Vehicles are electronically monitored and notify the driver required service by displaying a message in the information display. The PTU lubricant will be more likely to require a change if the vehicle has experienced extended periods of extreme/severe duty cycle driving. Changing or checking the PTU lubricant is not necessary unless the unit has been submerged in water, shows signs of leakage or a message indicating required service is displayed. Contact your authorized dealer for service.
California fuel filter replacement: If you register your vehicle in California, the California Air Resources Board has determined that the failure to perform this maintenance item does not nullify the emission warranty or limit recall liability before the completion of your vehicle's useful life. Ford Motor Company, however, urges you to have all recommended maintenance services performed at the specified intervals and to record all vehicle service.
Engine air filter and cabin air filter replacement: The life of the engine air filter and cabin air filter is dependent on exposure to dusty and dirty conditions. Vehicles operated in these conditions require frequent inspection and replacement of the engine air filter and cabin air filter.
When the child safety locks are set, you cannot open the rear doors from the inside.
The child safety lock control is on the driver door.
Press the control to switch the child safety locks on. Press the control again to switch them off. A light on the child safety control illuminates when you switch them on.