Lincoln Aviator: Unique Driving Characteristics / Hybrid Vehicle Frequently Asked Questions
Regularly plug in your vehicle to get optimal
electric-only range capability from the high
voltage battery. Charging your vehicle adds
electrical energy...
Other information:
Special Tool(s) /
General Equipment
Flat Headed Screw Driver
Vehicle/Axle Stands
Suspension fasteners are critical parts that affect the
performance of vital components and systems. Failure of these fasteners
may result in major service expense...
Acceptable Noise, Vibration and Harshness (NVH)
Noise is any undesirable sound, usually unpleasant in nature. Vibration
is any motion, shaking or trembling, that can be felt or seen when an
object moves back and forth or up and down. Harshness is a ride quality
issue where the vehicle's response to the road transmits sharply to the