WARNING: Before beginning any service procedure in this section, refer to Safety Warnings in section 100-00 General Information. Failure to follow this instruction may result in serious personal injury.
Refer to: Health and Safety Precautions (100-00 General Information, Description and Operation).NOTICE: To prevent damage to the coupler, do not use hand tools to disconnect /connect the C-lock.
NOTE: Do not remove the lock ring from the C-lock coupler.
NOTE: Hold the female side of the coupler at the hose connection to prevent the coupler from rotating internally.
Gently twist the lock ring until it has rotated approximately 90 degrees.NOTICE: The female side of the C-lock coupler contains an o-ring seal. Use care not to lose the o-ring.
Slide the C-lock coupler apart from the component fitting.NOTICE: Do not leave the lock ring in the unlocked position. This will weaken the lock ring and prevent it from correctly locking in place when reassembled, resulting in a leak.
Rotate the lock ring back to the original locked position.NOTE: The lock ring flexes open slightly to allow the male fitting to enter the C-lock coupler.
NOTE: The lock ring can be heard as it snaps into the lock position.
Insert the male fitting into the C-lock coupler.WARNING: Airbags can kill or injure a child in a child restraint. Never place a rear-facing child restraint in front of an active airbag. If you must use a forward-facing child restraint in the front seat, move the seat upon which the child restraint is installed all the way back.