Lincoln Aviator 2020-2024 Owners Manual / Capacities and Specifications / Engine Specifications - Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV)

Lincoln Aviator: Capacities and Specifications / Engine Specifications - Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV)

Lincoln Aviator. Engine Specifications - Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV)

Drivebelt Routing

Lincoln Aviator. Engine Specifications - Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV)

    Engine Specifications - Excluding: Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV)


    Motorcraft Parts - Excluding: Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV)

    1 If a Motorcraft oil filter is not available, use an oil filter that meets industry performance specification SAE/USCAR-36. 2 See your authorized dealer for correct replacement...

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    Lincoln Aviator 2020-2024 Service Manual: Diagnosis and Testing - F Clutch

    Symptom Chart F Clutch For F clutch operation, REFER to: F Clutch (307-01A Automatic Transmission - 10-Speed Automatic Transmission – 10R60, Description and Operation).   F Clutch Condition Possible Sources Action F clutch does not apply SSF is mechanically stuck OFF INSTALL a new solenoid...

    Lincoln Aviator 2020-2024 Service Manual: General Procedures - Steering Wheel Cover Repair

    Materials Name Specification Motorcraft® Instant Gel AdhesiveTA-19-C WSS-M2G401-B5  Repair NOTE: If re-adhering leather to the front side of the steering wheel only, it will not be necessary to remove the steering wheel...


    Emergency Locking

    Each door has a backup power system which allows the door to function if your vehicle has no power. The system has a limited number of operations before the power is depleted and turns off. When the system turns off, the door remains open and unlatched and does not close.

    If your vehicle has no power and the backup power system is turned off, you can close and secure your vehicle by manually resetting each door latch using a key in the position shown.

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