If your vehicle is rapidly approaching a stationary vehicle or a vehicle traveling in the same direction as your vehicle, the system is designed to help you steer around the vehicle.
The system only activates when all of the following occur:
After you turn the steering wheel, the system applies additional steering torque to help you steer around the vehicle. After you pass the vehicle, the system applies steering torque in the opposite direction to encourage you to steer back into the lane. The system deactivates after you fully pass the vehicle.
Note: The system does not automatically steer around a vehicle. If you do not turn the steering wheel, the system does not activate.
Note: The system does not activate if the distance to the vehicle ahead is too small and the system cannot avoid a crash.
When the child safety locks are set, you cannot open the rear doors from the inside.
The child safety lock control is on the driver door.
Press the control to switch the child safety locks on. Press the control again to switch them off. A light on the child safety control illuminates when you switch them on.