Lincoln Aviator 2020-2024 Service Manual / Chassis / Steering System / Power Steering / Description and Operation - Adaptive Steering - Overview

Lincoln Aviator: Power Steering / Description and Operation - Adaptive Steering - Overview


The adaptive steering system changes the steering ratio between the steering wheel and the road wheels dynamically, thereby reducing the number of steering wheel turns required to turn the road wheels. This is accomplished through the use of a motor, worm gear and toothed hub. All adaptive steering system components are inside the steering wheel, behind the driver airbag.

    Power Steering


    Description and Operation - Adaptive Steering - System Operation and Component Description

    System Operation System Diagram Item Description 1 SECM 2 ECU 3 Private CAN 4 IPMA 5 SIMA 6 PSCM 7 GWM 8 Locking solenoid 9 SASM 10 BCM 11 PCM 12 IPC 13 SUMA 14 RCM 15 Motor 16 HVAC module 17 APIM Network Input Message Chart   SECM Network Input Messages Broadcast Message Originating Module Message Purpose Active front steering request   PSCM Requests steering angle changes for stability control events...

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    Remote Control

    Passive Key

    Lincoln Aviator. Remote Control

    The passive key operates the power locks and the remote start system. The passive key must be in your vehicle to use the push button start.

    Note: You may not be able to shift out of park (P) unless the passive key is inside your vehicle.

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