Lincoln Aviator: Electrical Distribution / Module Configuration

Removal and Installation - Gateway Module A (GWM)

Removal NOTE: Removal steps in this procedure may contain installation details. NOTE: If installing a new module, it is necessary to upload the module configuration information to the scan tool prior to removing the module...

Description and Operation - Module Configuration - System Operation and Component Description

System Operation Programmable Module Installation (PMI) PMI is a diagnostic scan tool process which configures settings in a new module. Data used for the PMI process is automatically downloaded from the original module and stored when a diagnostic scan tool session is started...

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Lincoln Aviator 2020-2024 Service Manual: Removal and Installation - Driver Door Module (DDM)

Removal NOTE: Removal steps in this procedure may contain installation details. NOTE: If installing a new module, it is necessary to upload the module configuration information to the diagnostic scan tool prior to removing the module. This information must be downloaded into the new module after installation...

Lincoln Aviator 2020-2024 Service Manual: Description and Operation - Plastic Repairs

Plastic Components NOTE: Left hand side shown, right hand side similar. The following illustration is not all-inclusive of trim levels available. The actual trim level of the vehicle will determine the viability of carrying out a plastics repair...


Locking and Unlocking the Doors from Inside

Lincoln Aviator. Locking and Unlocking the Doors from Inside

Unlock. Lock.

Locking the Doors

Press the lock switch on the door interior trim panel. The doors can no longer be released using the exterior door handle switches and the luggage compartment locks.

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